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lined paper中文是什么意思

用"lined paper"造句"lined paper"怎么读"lined paper" in a sentence


  • 布衬纸张
  • 格记录纸
  • 横格纸


  • Cigarettes are to be packed in tin - lined paper box
  • Use unlined paper , since the presence of lines on paper may hinder the non - linear process of mapping . if you must use lined paper , turn it so the lines are vertical
  • The stamps , all of which have a face value of $ 1 . 40 , are available in two formats - self - adhesive or gummed . the first day cover features three imaginative trial prototypes for the letters a , b and c , set against a background of lined paper of the type commonly used in schools
    字母邮票各枚面值一元四角,备有自动黏贴和背胶邮票两种,而首日封则以学校常用的练习簿作为背景,加上三个比拟a 、 b 、 c字母的不同物件范例,图像趣怪,效果可爱。
用"lined paper"造句  


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